Club Penguin Rockhopper Meetup Times Coins For Change December 2013

Rockhopper is back to the island for Coins For Change! Along with that he has a new background for penguins to obtain. If you’d like to meet him in game you can either hunt for him by looking through servers or attend any of the official meetup times found below.

All of the times listed are PST, which is the time shown on the clock tower at the Snow Forts. For EST add three hours to the times and for the UK add eight hours to the times. All of the servers are English servers unless stated otherwise in the meetup time. Remember, there is no specific room Rockhopper will be in so check out the whole server!

Tuesday, December 31st

10:00 AM on the server Frosty

The Best of Club Penguin 2013 Mashup + Music Video (New Puffle!)

Club Penguin is releasing their Best of 2013 mashup music video tomorrow, so in the meantime they've uploaded the audio to their 2013 mashup featuring their mashed audio from their songs and videos released throughout the year! They should do something like this again next year!

Amazing! What do you think?

UPDATE: The music video has been released! Maybe you're in it. Check it out:


Check this out on the video’s thumbnail…a Puffle with a tail!

Club Penguin The Spoiler Alert – Episode 5 (Best of 2013)

Club Penguin has released a brand new episode of The Spoiler Alert! Along with the usual Xtreme Reading and the other segments, the team shows off the updates coming this Thursday, January 2nd. This week The Spoiler Alert is hosted by Spike Hike with special guests Polo Field and Billybob! You can watch the episode below:

There aren’t really any spoilers on this week’s updates aside from a small glimpse of the next newspaper issue.

Awesome episode! The best party of 2013 in the Spoiler Alert Awards goes to…the Teen Beach Movie! . I wonder what Card-Jitsu plans the team has for Summer 2014?! They were pretty mysterious…What do you think?

Special Coins For Change Announcement

Polo Field has posted a huge Coins For Change announcement to Club Penguin’s Blog! It’s some fantastic news. Here is what he wrote on the blog:
Wow Penguins!  You've worked together to donate over 23 billion coins through Coins For Change this year! 
We are SO amazed by your generosity that we are going to fund ADDITIONAL projects... over and above the projects you've unlocked! 

Thanks to you, we are now also able to: 
  • Help save the home of the Lowland Tapir in Brazil through Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative 
  • Fund a Group Home for homeless kids and a kindergarten for kids in foster care in Ethiopia through Partners in the Horn of Africa 
  • Protect the home of the endangered Okapi in the Democratic Republic of Congo through Wildlife Conservation Network 
  • Build 3 playgrounds for over 6,000 kids who had no place to play in Afghanistan through Playground Builders 
  • Save the forest where the endangered Cotton Top Tamarin lives in Colombia through Wildlife Conservation Network 
Thanks again, Penguins – you have shown the world how everyone working together can make a huge difference! 
We'd love to hear from you – what charitable projects do you like to help in the real world?

Month In Review – December 2013

The final month in review of 2013 has been posted on the Club Penguin Blog! In the previous reviewed by you post we were asked what our all time favorite food is. Jill56891's answer was:
"My all-time favorite food is chicken. There is so many ways you can cook chicken. You can fry it, you can bake it, and many more ways! You can have all kinds of different seasonings on it, so it never gets old.Hands down, chicken is my favorite food. Waddle On!"
What were your favorite parts of December? What would you like to see added to Club Penguin next year? 
Here are all the awesome stuff that's happened in December:

  • Clothing Catalog
  • Furniture Catalog
  • #WaddleOn - Holiday Special
  • The Spoiler Alert - Holiday Special
  • Holiday Party
  • Coins For Change

The featured answer will receive 10, 000 coins on their penguin. 

New Club Penguin Holiday Gift Pin - December 26, 2013

Club Penguin has released their new pin! As a result the Ornament Pin is no longer at the Dance Club. Instead, the new pin, the Holiday Gift Pin, can be found at the Boiler Room. This is Club Penguin’s twenty sixth and final pin of 2013.

Reminder: Club Penguin Updates Tonight!

Club Penguin is updating tonight. This is their fifty second and final update week of 2013. This week contains some minor updates. The expected updates this week are as follows:

  • New Pin
  • Club Penguin Times Issue 427
  • Probably a new EPF message

If you have not already done the following I recommend you do so before Club Penguin updates:

Posts related to tonight’s updates include:

Club Penguin #WaddleOn Holiday Themed Musical Special - Someone Like Me To Like Me

The new episode of #WaddleOn is out now! The episode this week is a holiday themed musical titled ‘Someone Like Me To Like Me’. Whoever sung it sure is talented!
*A toy wishes for a friend in episode 20 of #WaddleOn, a musical entitled "Someone Like Me To Like Me." Happy Holidays!*
Happy Holidays!

Club Penguin Delays Updates This Week and Next Week

Club Penguin is updating a day later this week and next week due to the holidays. Here is Polo Field’s post:
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that due to the holidays, this week and next week's updates will be a bit different. So that's the week of December 25 and January 1. Instead of a Wednesday night update, the team will be launching new content this Thursday morning, bright and early and next Thursday (January 2) at 6:30pm PST. I'm sure you'll all be too busy spending time with family and opening presents to notice anyways! ;)
Happy Holidays!

Last Week’s Penguin of the Week: Chloboo12

Daffodaily5 posted another Penguin of the Week last Friday! Congratulations to Chloboo1203 for being featured! As a reward, Chloboo has received 10,000 coins and the Green Viking Helmet! Here is why Choboo was chosen:
How fab is Coins for Change?! So many donations have been made already by amazing penguins like Chloboo1203. She’s been saving up, ready to donate as much as she can during this year’s Holiday Party! This party is one of my faves as I love how we penguins all join together to help make the world a better place. Your generosity is so touching! Keep it up!

Coins For Change On Now!

Polo Field made a post with a brief video about Coins For Change on the Club Penguin Blog last Friday. The video explains the 10 different projects available to unlock throughout the party.

How are you enjoying the Holiday Party? And how much coins have you donated in Coins For Change?

Club Penguin Blog Coins For Change 2013 Projects

Ever since Coins For Change began last week multiple posts has been made on Club Penguin’s official blog by Polo Field briefly explaining the different projects our virtual donations are going to help fund in the real world.  Here are all the posts, well five of them, Polo Field made:

Project 1 – Toys For Tots

You’re helping give kids opportunities to play indoors and out! Toys for Tots will bring 1,000 toys, and One Warm Coat will provide 1,000 coats to children all across the USA.

Project 2 – Save Penguin Nesting Grounds

It’s no secret that we kinda have a thing for penguins. Through the Global Penguin Society, you’re helping to save the nesting grounds for Magellenic penguins in Argentina. These penguins will be able to safely lay their eggs and raise their chicks!

Project 3 – School Libraries in Ethiopia

You’re helping us build 10 school libraries, a kindergarten, and a group home in rural Ethiopia through Partners in the Horn of Africa. And that’s not all! They’re also building 5 reading spaces for elementary schools in India. These spaces give children a safe place to learn, and access to books.

Project 4 – Yellow-Tailed Woolly Monkey and Andean Cat Habitats

With the help of Wildlife Conservation Network and Rare, you’ll help preserve the homes of endangered Yellow-tailed Wooly Monkeys in Peru and Andean Cats in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. By working with local communities and providing educational resources we can help protect these animals’ habitats.

Project 5 – Help Kids in Hospitals Play

You’re helping us send 12,500 Club Penguin activity packages to sick kids in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and United States. Because we believe that everyone should have an opportunity to play.

I "Choo Choo" Choose You to Join the Chattabox Christmas Train!

Chattabox is having another meetup on Club Penguin tonight! It is just another few hours away as of writing this post. Here are all the details:
Merry Christmas Eve! You were all looking so fantastic in your Santa outfits, I am loving the Christmas fashion at the moment. Here's a photo of the Santa Flash Mob taking over the Iceberg with Christmas presents - so cool! 
How amazing are the Christmas trains? I have been collecting so many coins and donating them to Coins for Change. Its so nice to help people out at Christmas. 
For this week's catchup, lets make a huge Christmas train and see how many coins we can collect! I'm guessing it will be loads. This is going to be awesome! 
Lets meet at the Snow Forts on the Down Under server at 4pm (East Australian Standard Time) on Thursday 26th December, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don't forget, this is 9pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 25th December (Christmas Day!) for everyone over in the US and Canada. 
Merry Christmas Penguins! Waddle on!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Club Penguin Reporters

"Tis' the season to be jolly..." It's that time of year again where you'll be opening your presents, checking your stockings and having a massive feast for Christmas Dinner!

I just like to take the moment to wish each and everyone of you reading this, "A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!"

February 2014 Party Revealed - February Fair!

We’ve known that January 2014′s party will be another Prehistoric Party just like this year thanks to Polo Field, and now thanks to Spike Hike we know February’s Party! Many penguins have complained about there being no fair this year and the team has listened! February’s party is going to be a fair, not a Fall Fair since it’s not Fall, but just a regular February Fair.

Credits to Ertyn3.

Club Penguin The Spoiler Alert – Holiday Edition

This week’s episode of The Spoiler Alert is out now! It is a holiday edition and the special guests today are...Grasstain and Deelitedansa!

There aren't many updates this week. There is only a new pin and a new issue of the Penguin Times. The new pin will be a present and can be found in the Boiler Room.

And here's an image of the newspaper:

That's all for this week! Happy Holidays!

Club Penguin Coins For Change and Holiday Party 2013

Coins For Change and the Holiday Party 2013 are now here!

Main Party Features

When you first log in Rockhopper will appear with a message.

Happy Holidays, me hearties! 
Set sail, or should I say "rail", for the Coins For Change Train Station.

Ye can hop aboard a train, collect coins, and of course - Donate! 
That's where all me treasure be goin'!
The map has also been updated with a holiday theme. When you take a look at the map you will see all the decorated rooms highlighted as well as the track tracks.

Just like this year's Halloween Party, members can have their igloos be listed on the Trick-or-Treat Igloos. 

All they have to do is to buy the Train Tunnel from the Furniture Catalog to join the rail lines.

Donation stations all around the island for you to donate. You can donate 100 coins, 500 coins, 1,000 coins, 5,000 coins, and 10,000 coins. You can donate as many times as you would like. Every bit counts! You unlock a stamp for donating and can also unlock stamps for donating 5,000 and 10,000 coins. Be sure to get these stamps before the party is over if you haven’t already!

When you donate you will get the 2013 Coins For Change Pin.

You can view the total amount of coins donated at the Snow Forts .

Simply click on the Coins For Change logo and "purchase a train" to buy a train. 

There are four different ones. All are for members. Anyone can join your train however. There is the Holiday Express:

The Puffle Premier:

The Sweet-Tooth Special:

and finally the Rainbow Zephyr:

After you purchase a train, you can then ride the rails, preferably with other penguins. To invite other penguins, press 'D' while wearing any of the 4 trains. 

Try and see how long of a train you can make! Throw snowballs at the floating objects to collect coins.


You can get the Big Cozy Chair Background at the Ski Lodge by clicking the camera.

There is also a party catalog where members can buy some items. The Robot Costume, Conductor’s Outfit, and Jack in the Box Costume all do special dances when worn!

Miscellaneous Things

The three party exclusive emote this time is a whistle, present, and Coins For Change.

Rockhopper is also visiting with a new look and background. Find out more here. Updated Again

Herbert P. Bear’s website has been updated once again! This time you can see Klutzy in the wilderness with the map going “>:p”. What do you think this crab is up to without Herbert?

When do you think Klutzy will find Herbert?

Special thanks to @12345ifycp and Oil999!

Rockhopper Arrives on Club Penguin!

Penguins' beloved pirate Rockhopper has arrived on the island for Coins For Change! Here are the items he has brought with him this time around:

The clothing items you can get are:
  • Jolly Roger Hat for everyone
  • Teddy Bear Head for 100 coins
  • Teddy Bear Costume for 350 coins
  • Candy Pirate Hook for 150 coins
  • Holiday Lantern for 200 coins
Here is his notice board for this visit:

Things to do:
  • Recover the treasure coins!
  • Donate to Coins For Change!
  • Lead a pirate train!
  • Decorate Yarr!
You can play the holiday themed version of Treasure Hunt in the Captain's Quarters during his visit:

Finally, Rockhopper has a new look and a new background to give out. 

Christmas with the UK Club Penguin Team! (500 coins)

Daffodaily5 has made a new post on the Club Penguin Blog containing a video from the UK Team! The video features the UK team preparing for Christmas. There is also a new redeemable code for 500 coins. Check out the video – it’s funny!
Here in the UK team we're super excited for the Holiday Party, so we figured it was time to prepare ourselves for Christmas. Here's a little insight into what happened... :D

At the end it says “There are presents under the tree at”. When you go there, simply select a present. You might find coal if you're unlucky therefore you have to try again.  


If you're lucky, you'll receive a code to which unlocks 500 free coins on your penguin! 
Happy Holidays everyone!

Club Penguin Blog: Daffo’s App Tips: Smoothie Smash!

With Smoothie Smash being added to Club Penguin’s iPad app last week, Daffodaily has made a new post on the blog sharing a few tips for penguins to try out. Check it out:
How fab is the new Club Penguin app update? Smoothie Smash is one of my fave games so it’s brill I can now play it on iPad! I’ve been playing all day and thought I’d share my tips with you:
  • There aren’t any obstacles like anvils on the iPad game – it’s all about the score!
  • Sparkling fruit are the ones that are needed for the current smoothie. Each time you smash a sparkling fruit you get a score multiplier - X10 is the maximum. See how long you can keep it there!
  • Sometimes it’s better not to smash – see if you can work out when it’s better for you to bounce slowly!
  • Always try and get the Bonus Time and Golden Apple power-ups, they’ll really boost your score!
  • Collect 5 Golden Apples and your screen will be flooded with fruit, boosting your score!

Club Penguin Blog: UK Magazine – Daffo’s “PUFFLE!” Game

A new magazine issue was released in the UK last week and it featured Daffodaily5! Again! Daffodaily5 made a post about a game she created with the magazine team for those who purchased the magazine issue and spot her online. Here is the full post:
The new issue of the mag is out today in the UK, which is always exciting. However, I'm personally super excited for this issue because... I'm in it! Again! So cool.
So I wanted to tell you about this new game I've created with the magazine team. It works like this; if you meet me online I'll shout "PUFFLE!" and then you guys have to reply with a specific word... which you can find in the new issue of the mag!  
If you shout the correct word back at me, you might be featured in the magazine and on the blog! Pretty cool, eh? I love silly games like this, don't you?! Hope to see you online soon!

Reminder: Club Penguin Updates Tonight!

Club Penguin is updating tonight. This is their fifty first update week of 2013. This week contains some major updates. Here are the expected updates this week:
  • Rockhopper Arrives
  • Coins For Change 2013
  • Holiday Party 2013
  • Club Penguin Times Issue 426
  • Probably a new EPF message
  • There is a new #WaddleOn episode later today!
If you have not done the following I recommend you to do so before Club Penguin updates:
  • None this week!

Club Penguin The Spoiler Alert - Episode 3

Club Penguin’s third episode of The Spoiler Alert has been released with a special guest! It's Skaboots (Alana) from the Club Penguin Team who stars in the video! As always this video does have spoilers so watch it at your own risk!

Here are the sneak peeks of the party.

The Town:

The party catalog:

The Train Station:

Trains are purchasable for 400 coins.

The Snow Forts:

Donating to Coins For Change:

On the train:

The Train Station Igloos List:

Holiday Party 2013 emotes (except the smile emote):

Rockhopper’s Ship:

Ship Hold:

Rockhopper’s Rare Items catalog:

Captain’s Quarters:

Another picture of being on the train:

The Coffee Shop:

The upcoming issue of Club Penguin Times:

Now there will be comics!

The Ice Rink at the Stadium: