Club Penguin Blog: UK Magazine – Daffo’s “PUFFLE!” Game

A new magazine issue was released in the UK last week and it featured Daffodaily5! Again! Daffodaily5 made a post about a game she created with the magazine team for those who purchased the magazine issue and spot her online. Here is the full post:
The new issue of the mag is out today in the UK, which is always exciting. However, I'm personally super excited for this issue because... I'm in it! Again! So cool.
So I wanted to tell you about this new game I've created with the magazine team. It works like this; if you meet me online I'll shout "PUFFLE!" and then you guys have to reply with a specific word... which you can find in the new issue of the mag!  
If you shout the correct word back at me, you might be featured in the magazine and on the blog! Pretty cool, eh? I love silly games like this, don't you?! Hope to see you online soon!

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