Club Penguin The Spoiler Alert - Episode 3

Club Penguin’s third episode of The Spoiler Alert has been released with a special guest! It's Skaboots (Alana) from the Club Penguin Team who stars in the video! As always this video does have spoilers so watch it at your own risk!

Here are the sneak peeks of the party.

The Town:

The party catalog:

The Train Station:

Trains are purchasable for 400 coins.

The Snow Forts:

Donating to Coins For Change:

On the train:

The Train Station Igloos List:

Holiday Party 2013 emotes (except the smile emote):

Rockhopper’s Ship:

Ship Hold:

Rockhopper’s Rare Items catalog:

Captain’s Quarters:

Another picture of being on the train:

The Coffee Shop:

The upcoming issue of Club Penguin Times:

Now there will be comics!

The Ice Rink at the Stadium:

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