Club Penguin Blog Coins For Change 2013 Projects

Ever since Coins For Change began last week multiple posts has been made on Club Penguin’s official blog by Polo Field briefly explaining the different projects our virtual donations are going to help fund in the real world.  Here are all the posts, well five of them, Polo Field made:

Project 1 – Toys For Tots

You’re helping give kids opportunities to play indoors and out! Toys for Tots will bring 1,000 toys, and One Warm Coat will provide 1,000 coats to children all across the USA.

Project 2 – Save Penguin Nesting Grounds

It’s no secret that we kinda have a thing for penguins. Through the Global Penguin Society, you’re helping to save the nesting grounds for Magellenic penguins in Argentina. These penguins will be able to safely lay their eggs and raise their chicks!

Project 3 – School Libraries in Ethiopia

You’re helping us build 10 school libraries, a kindergarten, and a group home in rural Ethiopia through Partners in the Horn of Africa. And that’s not all! They’re also building 5 reading spaces for elementary schools in India. These spaces give children a safe place to learn, and access to books.

Project 4 – Yellow-Tailed Woolly Monkey and Andean Cat Habitats

With the help of Wildlife Conservation Network and Rare, you’ll help preserve the homes of endangered Yellow-tailed Wooly Monkeys in Peru and Andean Cats in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. By working with local communities and providing educational resources we can help protect these animals’ habitats.

Project 5 – Help Kids in Hospitals Play

You’re helping us send 12,500 Club Penguin activity packages to sick kids in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and United States. Because we believe that everyone should have an opportunity to play.

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