Firstly, waddle to the Dojo Courtyard, your Journey begins there. POOF! Sensei appears out of thin air! Talk to Sensei.
Some of you might get Snow Starter Deck cards. But I didn't
Check out the new Card-Jitsu progress board. There’s different scrolls for different things. You can play Card-Jitsu Snow to unlock videos. These videos answers all your questions on the mysterious snowman.
You can view your cards.
How the progress board looks like:
Firstly, you pick an element and play with two others to defeat the villains. You can get up to 21 stamps, coins and rewards of items and videos for your progress.
Anyone can unlock the Card-Jitsu Snow stamps, member or not.
They have since added a new activity stamp for earning all three amulet gems! 3 Gems – Earn the Fire, Water, and Snow Gems.
Going back to the items you can unlock, there are nine individual videos that tells Sensei’s story. Here is all of them in one.
For me, I think this game could be way more better. The gameplay is fun, and can get penguins around the world to co-operate as a team, to defeat the evil Snow Minions. But, this game is slower-paced, like a chess game, where you have to think for quite a long time, for some penguins. Though that is good for older laptops, which don't result in lag. The biggest problem is that when you play CJSnow, your screen will be minimized, like playing Club Penguin in a small screen. And it is not fun... Parts of the game like the card deck and hints don’t even appear on half the game either, they’re on the white. There’s also the error in the bottom left corner when you play Club Penguin. But of course, I will play Card-Jitsu Snow. I'll still be becoming a Snow Ninja too!
UPDATE: As said by Spike Hike, the Club Penguin Team is hard at work fixing the bugs, the small screen one being one of them. I'm sure many bugs will be squashed again. Lots of penguins aren't used of the idea of being randomly matched together. Some wants to play with their buddies. Hopefully, the Club Penguin Community will listen as many players request it!
In short, the game would be better if all bugs were squashed. I'm sure more penguins, one being me, will enjoy more once the game is made more stable over the next few days.