How To Become A Snow Ninja

Snow Ninja

Card-Jitsu Snow is a new game which was released recently in May last year. It is the latest addition to the Card-Jitsu Series, succeeding Card-Jitsu Water. In this game penguins must take on three Snowmen enemies: Scrap, Tank, and Sly and later their walrus leader, Tusk, Sensei's former best friend and current worst enemy.

Firstly, head to the Snow Dojo. To get there, you must first head to the Dojo Courtyard. You can either access there with the map or waddle up the path next to the School at the Mine, or teleport using your Spy Phone (if you're an Elite Agent.) Once there, enter the Dojo. The Snow Dojo is to the right of the Dojo.

File:Rooms Dojo june 13 2013.png

Let's go over some basic details.

Basic Information

You can check out all four of your Card-Jitsu progress at the new Card-Jitsu Snow progress board.


To play the game, waddle to the bridge.

File:Rooms Snow Dojo July 2013.png

When you enter the game, you will be able to choose which element you would like to battle with. You can choose from either fire, water or snow.


When you click on an element, it will show you each's advantages and disadvantages. 

After you pick your element, click 'Play' to begin. 

The game is played on a tiled grid on a snow-covered mountain. It is very similar to checkers, or chess. When you begin, all three of you (you and two other players) are placed on the left side of the grid, whilst the enemies, the snowmen are placed on the opposite side of the grid.

Each player and snowman has a health bar.

villain cjsnow

Your card deck is placed at the bottom. Click on any grid that is blue to move about. Your goal is to defeat every snowmen in each round. To attack a snowman, you must be close enough to do so. When you are, a red targeting symbol will appear over a snowman you can attack. Click on it to attack the snowman.

The snowmen can also attack you, causing you to lose health. If you lose all your health, you will fall and be temporarily stuck in a pile of snow until you're revived by other players.

Once a snowman loses all of its health, it will fall and disappear.

You have to work your way up to earn power cards by moving about or attacking snowmen. Your cards can be found below, as I stated above. To use a power card, simply click the card you wish to use and place it on grids that are red. 

When numerous players use power cards during the same turn, you will perform a combo!

When all the snowmen on the grid have lost their health and been defeated, the round will end. There are three rounds to beat before a match ends.

Bonus Round

Ninjas have a chance at entering a special bonus round after completing the third round. There are four snowmen in the bonus round. There are three different ways to enter the Bonus Round.

  1. Make it through all three rounds without a Ninja falling to enemy attack  
  2. Finish the third round with all ninjas having full health. Doing so will earn players the Full Health Stamp. 
  3. Completing all three rounds in a certain matter of time (most of the time it is around 4 minutes). 

The different ways to enter the bonus round are given at random and aren't in any particular order.

Revival Feature

A 'special' card, the "Bonus Revive", can be found at the right side of your card deck. It heals you to full health once used. This card can be used at any time and is members only. Also, it doesn't heal other players, but only you.

You will be awarded with stamps, coins, the Snow Ninja suit, and unlock episodes of the Card-Jitsu Saga as you play.

You will receive the the Snow Gem once you have the full suit.

After that, you will need to battle Tusk. To do so, you will have to enter the now open cave at the left of the Snow Dojo.

You will be awarded Tusk's Cape after you defeat Tusk.


After that, you can still play to earn rewards. They are optional though. You can view them at your progress board.

File:Amulet All Gems.png

Congratulations! You are now an official Snow Ninja! Does your Journey end here? Only time will tell...