Club Penguin Mascot Meetup Times 10th Anniversary Party October 2015

Club Penguin Mascot Meetup Times 10th Anniversary Party October 2015

Up until October 20th Sensei, Aunt Arctic, Rookie, Rockhopper, Gary, PH, Dot, and Cadence, and even Herbert will be waddling around the island for the 10th year Anniversary Party! There are 2 meetups each day, with all mascots on at once on October 20th besides Herbert. The Penguin Band and the Sasquatch will not be making an appearance.

All of the times listed are PST, which is the time shown on the clock tower at the Snow Forts. For EST add three hours to the times. For the UK(GMT) add eight hours. All servers listed below are English servers unless stated otherwise. Check back later to see if more meetup times are added.

Club Penguin Mascot Meetup Times 10th Anniversary Party October 2015

NOTE: Herbert's meetup times were later removed for unknown reasons

-No meetup times left-