Club Penguin SoundStudio Party 2015

Club Penguin's second party of 2015, the SoundStudio Party, is now here! Will it be a better party than the Music Jam 2014?

Party Features

When you first log in Cadence will talk to you.

The SoundStudio Party has hit the island! This is your shot at STARDOM! Just head to Snowball Records in the Snow Forts and you can record a song!
After playing all four songs, members can try out for the talent show. They’ll perform for me and special guest judges to prove they’re music masters!
The main event is located at the Snow Forts. From here you can play for Cadence and “record” music at Snowball Records.

When you play for Cadence or “record” music at Snowball Records, there are four different genres to choose from. They are dance, pop, dubstep, and rock.

Each set has its own look. You need to click the shape on the instrument according to the sequence that is shown on the board. Here’s the dance set while playing for Cadence:

The pop set:

The dubstep set:

The rock set:

The sets at Snowball Records have different designs for all the genres. Here’s the dance set:

The pop set:

The dubstep set:

The rock set:

It is also worth-mentioning that the limo from the 2013 Hollywood Party has returned.

There is also an award show at the Stage, too, similar to the 2013 Hollywood Party.


Finishing different sets at the Snowball Records offers you different items. For the dance set you can collect the Glow Bracelets, while members can also collect Dance Crew Outfit.

For the pop set, you can collect the Rhinestone Sunglasses while members can also collect the Pop Star Hoodie.

For the dubstep set, you can collect the Rocker-chic while members can also collect the Dubstep DJ Outfit.

For the rock step, you can collect the Punkhawk while members can also collect the Six-String Axe.


The map has also been updated for the party.

There is also the usual party-exclusive emotes.


Overall, I rate this party a 6.5 out of 10. I liked how we can collect items right after we complete the sets, instead of having to come back each day. Unfortunately the decorations are only clustered within the Town, Snow Forts, and Plaza. All in all, it's definitely a better party than the Music Jam 2014.

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