Here is this month's background selection. As usual, the top two are brand new while the bottom two are returned.
Here are the newly added pages for October:
This month penguin at work is being a baker:
Here are the hidden items:
Click the Black Studded Shoes for the Black Studded Shoes. They cost 200 coins
Click the aqua coloured penguin's flipper for the Trick-or-Treat Basket. It is 50 coins.
Click the Countess Makeup for the Big Lolipop. This candy costs 100 coins.
Click the Pegasus Wings for the Raven Wings. They are 300 coins.
Click the Skate Satchel for the Skate Satchel. This satchel is 150 coins.
For the Viking Helmets, click the purple penguin's flipper.

The Viking Helmet will appear. It costs 750 coins.
Open and close it four times. The Blue Viking Helmet will then appear. It costs 1,200 coins.
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