Penguin of the Week: Wittle P

Daffodaily5 has posted a new Penguin of the Week! This week's featured penguin is Wittle P! Here's why she was chosen:
Is it Friday already? I guess it means we have a new Penguin of the Week! Let's give a BIG round of applause to this week's winner,Wittle P! What makes this penguin unique, is her desire to put others before herself. You can always find her helping someone find their way around the island. She's extremely hard working, and takes her roles as a Secret Agent and Tour Guide very seriously. Well done for being so FAB! :)
If you didn't already know, winners of POTW receive 10,000 coins, as well as the swag-a-licious Penguin of the Week Backgroundadded to their account! Don't forget to comment below and let me know which friend of yours deserves to be nominated. 

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