Club Penguin The Spoiler Alert Episode 23 – Grad Mini-Event

It’s Monday and Club Penguin has released their 23rd episode of The Spoiler Alert! The title of this week’s episode is “Grad Mini-Event”. There are no guests this week, so only Megg, Polo Field, and Ninja are featured. This week’s featured updates are the furniture and igloo catalog, penguin prom, a new pin, and more!

Here are the sneak peeks shown in the video:

First off, they showed off the June 2014 Furniture and Igloo Catalog. There will be a new Soccer Pitch background.

Here are the new hidden items:

The Penguin Prom starts this week at the University. Everyone can pick up a free graduation hat and background. Players can also throw snowballs which will appear as graduation hats.

Penguin Cup construction will begin at the Snow Forts.

The upcoming new pin is an Orange Slice. Ninja gave a riddle “This pin can be eaten without a peel. Look underground at the old steering wheel. ”, which is at the Hidden Lake.

That's all for today! Oh and here’s what’s coming in next week’s episode.

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