Club Penguin Blog: Introducing... Daffo Doodles!

Daffodaily5 has announced something new she's doing on the Club Penguin Blog! Introducing... Daffo Doodles!
Earlier, I was having a little nosey through some of your Fan Art submissions and I thought, you guys are really talented, we should start a new 'thing' on the blog! So, I present to you... Daffo Doodles! This is all about showcasing your brill creativity! As you can see, my drawing skills aren't exactly the best, but I had so much fun making it and that's what matters most!
Each time I do a Daffo Doodles post, I'll announce a different theme that I'd like YOU guys to choose! But to get things going, I'll start this week. It's time to embrace the epic theme of... Daffo the Superhero! Make sure you write "Daffo Doodles!" in your picture somewhere, and change the name of the file on your computer to the same. We'll feature the best ones in a few weeks!  
Send your Doodles to me by uploading them to the Fan Art section under Fun Stuff. I can't wait to see them all! Don't forget to comment below with your ideas for the next theme! Happy Doodling!

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