Reviewed by You: Favorite Food

Polo Field has posted a new Reviewed By You post on the Club Penguin Blog! In the last Reviewed By You, we were asked what our favorite parts of November were, and what we would like to see in the future.

Stinky8080's answer was featured. He said the following:
Hey Club Penguin blog! My favorite parts of November were the Operation Puffle and the Gold Puffle Quest.I really liked them because in Operation Puffle we get to explore a whole new part of the island! And not to mention that we could also play a game over there and get gold items, but we could also save a new puffle everyday! And for the Gold Puffle Quest we got to experience something new and find the legdendary gold puffle! And if we could add something I think that a new resturaunt is cool!
A new restaurant? Wow!
This time of year, there's always an overload of delicious goodies, which got us thinking... what is your all-time favorite food? 

The team will pick a response and the one featured will have 10,000 coins added to their account, so be sure to comment on the blog under your real penguin name.

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