Club Penguin Medieval Party 2013 Game On Commercial

The Medieval Party starts in the next two weeks and a new Game On Commercial is airing on Disney Channel! It features the Medieval Party 2013 and the My Penguin app update just recently.

(Thanks Trainman1405!)

Notice the Dragon on the left .

The Medieval Party logo. There's also a blurred room sneak peek behind it too.

Gary will be at the party, and he'll be brewing spells with potions brought by Rockhopper. This will be the main part of the party.
According to my calculations, one incorrect ingredient could be disastrous! Take the book with you to find potion ingredients.

During the party, we mix ingredients to unlock magical items New potions are unlocked each day. You can also earn the ultimate wizardly prize for completing all of the potions. There's the potion of the White Puffle Unicorn: (transforms you into a White Puffle Unicorn)

The Potion of Ogre Size, which makes your penguin larger.

Potion of Green Puffle Dragon: (transforms you into a Green Puffle Dragon)

Last but not least, the Potion of Vanishing. (Does it make you disappear like a ninja?)

An outfit behind Hallie:

There's a minigame which everyone can play to earn potions.

A part of the party and a view of Gary.

Here’s one of the party room. The penguin, Smee001, has 500,000 coins, unreleased stamps, unreleased items (the wizard hat) and the old PSA spy phone.

Here's another sneak peek of one of the party rooms. It should be the Dock. The White Puffle Unicorn spell in use.

The penguin of Ogre size and also the other penguin is wearing what looks like unreleased items.

Notice the penguin in a Dark Green Dragon Costume.

Finally, members with the My Penguin app can get these exclusive items:

The Medieval Party begins September 19th. Are you excited?

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