Club Penguin Marvel Super Hero Takeover Sneak Peeks

Polo Field has posted three new Marvel Superhero Takeover sneak peeks on Club Penguin’s Blog today. One of the sneak peek, a new costume, A-Bomb that will be coming during the Takeover, was tweeted on @ClubPenguin’s Twitter account, but deleted within a minute due to the horrific bombings in Boston, Massachusetts today. A-Bomb's costume can also be spotted at the costumes log off screen – the one in the top left.

Anyways, on a lighter note, here are the three room sneak peeks. There will be three special emotes at the party (as usual) – a money bag, a red siren light, and…what do you think the third special emote will be? The first one seems to be the Forest. The second one is definitely the Plaza while the third... hmm... I don't know either. What do you think it is?

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