Club Penguin Daily Items: Black Bowtie

In our daily-basis posts - Daily Items, Club Penguin Reporters introduces you some items from Club Penguin. Today, we introduce you the... Black Bowtie.

Black Bowtie clothing icon ID 214

This is the Black Bowtie, which used to be found in the F.I.S.H. ( Factual Informative Spy Handbook ), which only costs 50 coins. It was also available during Club Penguin's Server Testing 2005. It is a secret item when it was released in the Penguin Style. Penguins can obtain it by uploading coins to their online account using the D.S. game: Club Penguin Elite Force. If you wear it with the Conductor's Suit, you'll do a special dance, too!

Conducting sometging
Credits to Patzi3 for the picture.

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