Club Penguin "Mini" Event at the Town - February 2016

After starting a laser dance party at the Snow Forts, Herbert has unveiled the next part of his Operation: DOOM at the Town.

When you first log on Herbert will talk to you.

Club Penguin "Mini" Event at the Town - February 2016 Herbert Dialogue
MWAHAHAHA! The shrink ray is ready! You penguins will be too small to stop me!
Rookie will then talk to you.

Club Penguin "Mini" Event at the Town - February 2016 Rookie Dialogue
Oh hey! I’m Tiny Rookie! Well, actually I’m Regular Rookie, but Herbert shrunk me down.
Club Penguin "Mini" Event at the Town - February 2016 Rookie Dialogue
It’s not so bad. When life hands you tiny lemons, make a tiny bit of lemonade, right?
The Town has been shrunk so a mini event is taking place.

Club Penguin "Mini" Event at the Town - February 2016

Members can also obtain 6 free items.

Club Penguin "Mini" Event at the Town - February 2016 Member Free Items

Check back next week for Herbert's third and final part of his plan!