Club Penguin Laser Dance Party at Snow Forts

The first part of Club Penguin's February EPF event Operation: Doom has now started! When you first log on you will see a new login screen teasing about the event.

Club Penguin February 201 EPF Event Operation: Doom Login Screen

When you log on you will appear at the Snow Forts. Herbert will start talking.

Club Penguin Laser Dance Party Herbert Dialogue
MWAHAHAHA! My ultimate laser is ready!
Club Penguin Laser Dance Party Herbert Dialogue
First I will blast those puny Snow Forts. Then…EVERYTHING ELSE!
Rookie will then appear.

Club Penguin Laser Dance Party Rookie Dialogue
Woah, a laser dance party! This can’t be what Herbert planned. I think he’s more of a square dancer.
There is a laser dance party at the Snow Forts, filled with neon lights and a dance mat!

Club Penguin Laser Dance Party at Snow Forts

There are several items available free for members!

Club Penguin Laser Dance Party Free Member Items

More features will be available the following weeks so you can check them out from the EPF interface through the icon in the top right.

Club Penguin Laser Dance Party EPF Interface

Club Penguin Laser Dance Party EPF Interface

Club Penguin Laser Dance Party EPF Interface

There are also three party-exclusive emotes.

Club Penguin Laser Dance Party Party-Exclusive Emotes

That's all for this week! Be sure to check back for more next week!