Club Penguin Blog: What’s Coming in January 2016

Few days ago Megg posted a wordsearch puzzle on the Club Penguin Blog with words that relate to what's coming this month. Here's what she wrote:
Hey Penguins,

Want to know what's planned for January? I hope so, because the team just sent me ALL THE INFO! Oh, just one problem. The file's encrypted and the words are scrambled!

Can you help?

There are 15 words in the puzzle below. Each one is something we'll be seeing this month. You can use the comments section to help each other out!
 Club Penguin Blog: What’s Coming in January 2016
With your help, I should be able to post the answers on Wednesday, January 6.
Here's what I found:

Club Penguin Blog: What’s Coming in January 2016
  1. Sport (Could be 'Tricaretops' misspelled as 'Triceratrops')
  2. Caveguins
  3. Raptor
  4. Rookie
  5. Tyrannosaurus
  6. Stegosaurus
  7. Transformations
  8. Rubber Ducky
  9. Dino Dig
  10. Power Fragments
  11. Gary
  12. Aliens
  13. Spaceship
  14. Time Trekker
  15. Puffles