Spike Hike Shares New #ProjectSuperSecret Teaser: 3D Club Penguin Island!

After being quiet on his social media for quite some time, Spike Hike shared a new teaser of their upcoming #ProjectSuperSecret on Twitter. It's an image of the Club Penguin Island in 3D!
Here is the image:

Now that's a HUGE sneak peek! What do you think?

UPDATE: Spike Hike also wrote a blog post talking about #ProjectSuperSecret along with the above sneak peek image. Here's what he said:
Hi Penguins,

It's been awhile! I know you haven't seen much of me lately, but I've been busy with this little thing called Project: Super Secret... I'm sure you've heard about it.

It's hard to not share everything with you guys, but maybe this will spark your interest for now...

Hey, this looks familiar, yet different. Are we in a new dimension?

Get ready for 2016 penguins, cause it's going to be an epic adventure.