Club Penguin Blog: Coins for Change 2015 Update

Lots of coins have been donated to Coins For Change so far thus Megg wrote a new blog post talking about our progress.

Club Penguin Blog: Coins for Change 2015 Update
Hi Penguins!

The generosity for Coins for Change is flooding in! We've now reached a total of (DA DAH DAH DAHHHH): 9,183,166,300 coins!! And that's probably even higher now!

Wow, imagine finding that kind of spare change in your couch cushion! While collecting coins might not be that easy, I do have some awesome tips to help you out:

* Decorate! The snowballs you throw at the tree in The Forest become decorations! How? Because HOLIDAY MAGIC, that's how!
* Pitch! Take part in the Food Drive by the Beach. Wind your arm back and aim for the boxes. Just watch out or you might take a pizza to the face. Yum!!
* Jingle! A well placed snowball is all you need to ring the bells at The Plaza. Hmm, now how do I play Jingle Bells?

I can't wait to get our Coins for Change numbers even higher! How many coins have you donated so far?