Club Penguin Halloween Party 2014: Haunted Puffle Hotel Floors 8 and 9 + New Items

It's the 25th of October and you can now access floors eight and nine of the haunted Puffle Hotel. The riddle for floor eight is:
The haunted pumpkins hide the key. Look inside them and you'll soon see

In the room there are many pumpkins. You have to click each of them to make them burst.

Once they're all burst after clicking them you can collect the fourth part of Gairwald's missing machinery piece.

It's time to move on to floor nine. The riddle for floor nine is:
Through a maze you have to look, and not simply for a book.

This next puzzle is pretty fun. All you have to do is go through the maze and step on the red panel.

When you step on it, the panel will turn green.

Once you step on the panel the lock will open and you can then collect another piece of Gariwald's missing machinery part.

You can also collect new items as another luggage is now available. Non-members can collect the Magic Hat while members can collect the Ghost Puffle Costume.

As always you can complete puzzles again for 50 coins. Check back tomorrow for more!

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