Club Penguin The Spoiler Alert Episode 26 - Finale

It’s Saturday which means a new episode of The Spoiler Alert! This is Club Penguin’s 26th episode and features the new furniture & igloo catalog and Club Penguin Times. This episode is the season finale, which means there will be no new episodes for the next few weeks.

Here are the sneak peeks shown in the video:

The cover of the July 2014 Furniture & Igloo Catalog:

Members can buy the Tour Bus Igloo for 1,800 coins to be featured on the Tour Bus Igloo List during thE 2014 Music Jam. The list will be begin from July 17th to July 29th.

Other pages of the Furniture & Igloo Catalog:

Members can buy the SoundStudio Booth to mix tracks in igloos starting July 17th.

This week's Club Penguin Times, Issue #455:

Here is Megg with Pin Riddle of the Day: “In need of a lifesaving floatation device? Try looking at the area with not one path, but thrice.”, which is probably at the Dock.

Lastly, since it's the season finale, this week’s episode includes some “Best Of” moments, and reveals what’s behind the most anticipated door number 2!

Screen Shot 2014-07-05 at 1.07.08 PM

There is no specific date when The Spoiler Alert resumes, as the team will be working on “different and unpredictably amazing videos”. What do you think they are?

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