Club Penguin Blog: Get in the Mix with Chatta!

Chattabox has posted the details for her weekly Club Penguin meetup. This week’s meetup is all about sharing your funky fresh beats. Here is Chatta’s blog post:
Last week we had a puffin’ good time at the Puffle Park – I think we set a record for most penguins on the slide at one time! Crazy! 
This week I’ve been mixing it up at the Music Jam party! How much fun is the Sound Studio?! We definitely have a few penguin DJ’s in the making. This week I’m holding a DJ Party (omg!) on board the Music Jam Cruise ship – AMAZING! I want you all to come along, play your mixes and have a good dance! Make sure you wear your ultimate Music Jam outfit and bring along your puffles – they have such rockin’ dance moves.
Lets meet at the buffet on the Music Jam cruise on the Down Under server on Thursday 22nd July. Here are the times: 
  • 4pm East Australian Standard Time
  • 6pm New Zealand Standard Time
  • 11pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 21st July for everyone over in the US and Canada
  • 7am on Thursday 22nd July for my pals in the UK.

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