This week's Penguin of the Week has been posted on the Club Penguin Blog. The POTW is Rosytilly! Here is why Daffodaily5 chose her:
This week, the winner of the Penguin of the Week goes to the wonderful Rosytilly. She's such a kind and helpful member of the penguin community, and her positivity is contagious! She's also FAB at giving good advice and cheering you up if you're feeling a bit glum! Also, how cute is that butterfly in her hair?! Loooooving your style, Rosytilly! :)

You should know the drill by now; all winners of POTW get awarded with the Penguin of the Week background, along with 10,000 coins too. Think of all the clothes you could buy with those coins! So if you know of any penguin friends who have been particuarly awesome lately, let me know in the comments below!