Penguin of the Week: Gabel03

Friday means a new Penguin of the Week posted by Daffodaily! This week’s featured penguin is Gabel03! Here’s why:
It's Friday, so you know what time it is! Time for me to announce the Penguin of the Week! Congratulation Gabel03, it's YOU! :D This penguin is renowned for his spectacular igloos and awesome outfits. You know me, I know a good sense of style when I see it. He also loves to share his knowledge of Club Penguin with others; how thoughtful! Well done, Gabel03! :) 

As the winner, Gabel03 will receive 10,000 coins along with the BRILL Penguin of the Week background. Do you know a friend who deserves to be named POTW? Then don't forget to send me your nominations in the comments below!