Club Penguin Blog: Daffo's App Tips - Sushi Drop!

Few days ago on the Club Penguin Blog Daffodaily5 shared some tips on how to play Sushi Drop and maximise your score! Check it out:
Let's talk about the EPIC Sushi Drop mini game on the Club Penguin app! :) 
With Sushi Drop, each day you'll earn a new piece of sushi by logging into the app and exploring the different sections (including the blog and video areas). 
Once you've earned some delicious sushi, you simply need to drop it into the hungry clams' mouths. The challenge is getting your sushi to drop into the largest clam's mouth (he's the big fella in the middle) to get the maximum number of coins. 
Trying aiming your sushi at either the left or right hand side (rather than the middle) to increase your chance of it ending up in the mega clam's mouth at the bottom 
You can create handy bubbles in the water by tapping the screen, try using them to help direct your sushi as it falls. If you bump into a fish on the way down, you can tap them so they swim away. When this happens a bubble will appear; pop it to claim the coin inside! 
Did you know that sometimes you can even earn bonus items for your penguin when playing Sushi Drop? It's kinda random, so the more you play, the more chance you have of getting one! These items are available to all players! How BRILL is that?! From what I've collected so far, I love the Life Ring and Sailor Hat (the nautical look is so in right now). 
Good luck and happy sushi droppin'! :) 
If you're a super Sushi Drop expert and you've got some tips that you'd like to share with everyone, leave a comment below! Or if there's something else in the Club Penguin app that you'd like me to cover next time, just let me know!