All of the times listed are PST, which is the time shown on the clock tower at the Snow Forts. For EST add three hours to the times and for the UK add eight hours to the times. All of the servers are English servers unless stated otherwise in the meetup time. Remember, there is no specific room Aunt Arctic will be in so check out the whole island! Here are the meetup times:

Tuesday, July 1
- 10:30 AM on the Portuguese server Torta de Atum
- 11:00 AM on the server Rainbow
- 12:45 PM on the Portuguese server Tundra
Wednesday, July 2
- 1:00 AM on the Russian server Дед Мороз
- 6:00 AM on the Russian server Аврора
- 8:30 AM on the German server Handschuhe
- 8:30 AM on the server Fog
- 3:30 PM on the server Fog