Club Penguin Igloo Backyard for Puffles!

Back then the Puffle limit for a single player was 20, but now you are able to adopt up to 40 Puffles! When Dinosaur Puffles were first mentioned Spike Hike said on Twitter that if we already have 20 Puffles there will be a solution so we can adopt them! The solution has now been revealed – a backyard! That’s right. Everyone’s igloo will now have a backyard feature which is essentially storage for your Puffles. Your Puffles' stats stays the same while they're in the backyard, so you won’t have to worry about feeding it, playing with it, or letting it sleep. However, instead of keeping the current 20 Puffles in our igloo we can only keep 10 – the rest (up to 30 more if you already have 10 in your igloo) have to be kept in the backyard since the limit will be 40 maximum.
A few days ago we announced that members will soon be able to adopt dino puffles! 

I'm excited to tell you the team has created a backyard for your igloo! 

Everyone will be able to keep 10 puffles in their igloo and all their other puffles into their backyard (or keep all your pets in the backyard). What's awesome is that while your pets are in the backyard, their stats won't go down. 

Now members will be able to adopt up to 40 puffles! You're going to need all that space for the new puffles we create in the future...

Your igloo backyards will open on January 22! 
This is awesome! 

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