Club Penguin Coins For Change 2013 Game On Commercial

Disney is now airing a new Game On commercial on television! This time Hallie talks about the upcoming Coins For Change, which begins on December 19th. There are spoilers so view this post and watch the video at your own risk!

Here is the commercial:

Now for the sneak peeks.

Here is the Ski Village. There are Coins For Change and exclusive party emotes.

You’ll be able to ride a train around the island! …notice the old postcard/friend request icon

You can collect coins while riding the Holiday Train. The more coins you earn the more you can donate. The Holiday Train can be rode all around the island.

This should be the Snow Forts...I'm not too sure but it seems likely.

Another train whistle emote?

Here’s some of the items we’ll be able to get during the Holiday Party. I doubt the grey color is coming since Club Penguin tends to use that color to test items and model what it would look like, but you never know.

Coins for Change 2013 and the Holiday Party 2013 is going to be awesome!

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