Minor Club Penguin Updates – New Login and Logoff Screen, New 404 Pages and many more!

Here's a collection of all thee small updates that have accumulated over the last few weeks!

Three weeks ago five new 404 error pages were added. For those unfamiliar, 404 is the error code number given to the web browser when a page is not found. These error pages were then removed and re-added last week. Here’s what they look like:

Club Penguin also changed the banning system. If your penguin has never get banned, and you're banned for the first time, you’ll get a warning first instead of a ban.

It reads: Oops! You used a rude or inappropriate word. If you break a Club Penguin rule again, you may be banned.

You'll be officially banned if you break the Club Penguin Rules again. It reads: “You used a rude or inappropriate word. Your penguin has been banned for 24 hours.”

Clicking on the “Rules” or “Ok” button takes you to Club Penguin’s rule page.

The Puffle Expert time has gone from 18 hours between each task back when it launched during the Puffle Party 2013 to just a mere 20 minutes.

The Martial Artworks catalog is now accessible at the Snow Dojo.

Club Penguin recently changed the design of the Target background. Here is what it originally looked like:  

Target Backround Better look

Now it looks like this… though I don't have the background, to be honest, it looks.... weird. The changes made were the color red has been changed to the shade of the Penguin's color red, making it darker; and the rings are opposite what they are now.


The changes were also made on Club Penguin's Medieval Background.


Nobody knows why it was changed. Majority says that because it was similar to Target's logo. If you don't know Target, it’s like Walmart – they sell everyday products, clothes, food, electronic etc.

Aside from all that, new login and loggoff screens for Teen Beach Movie have been released!

File:Teen Beach Teaser Login 2.png

Lt's not forget that there are new issues of the Spanish and Portuguese magazine!

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