Exclusive 3D My Penguin Interactivity Sneak Peek Video

Recently Club Penguin released a few sneak peek of the 3D design coming to My Penguin, first in last week’s #WaddleOn episode and then again in a blog post Spike Hike made a few days ago. And recently, a video rumored to be from an ex, or still possibly current, Club Penguin employee has appeared online showing multiple bits of the 3D interactivity.  See for yourself – and enjoy the catchy song!

Later, Trainman1405 got a response from Spike Hike:
The video is sort of legit. Its from an animator we hired to do some animations for what has become My Penguin. For technical reasons. The work had to be redone and we believe the new animations are a ton better than the ones in this video. Also, that Puffle is not the 3D puffle in My Penguin. We are not sure whether Puffles will be 2D or 3D yet in the app.
Credits to Trainman1405.

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