First off, there’s a new YouTube channel video series they’re starting up called Waddle On. What do you think it's about?
We're going to start working on a new experimental YouTube show this week called "Waddle On!" Any ideas for what you would like to see?Second of all, Spike Hike was at a filming for a Club Penguin Game On commercial yesterday. Hallie, the girl from Game On tweeted this. Check it out!
— Spike Hike (@SpikeHikeCP) June 23, 2013
Game Onnnn #werk @rossR5 can see part of the Club Penguin logo and some of the game’s graphics behind the people. Austin and Ally... are they coming to Club Penguin in August, just like how Rocky and CeCe came during last year's Ultimate Jam 2012?
— Hallie Lou Balch (@Hallie4GO) June 23, 2013