Reviewed By You: Monsters University Characters

A new Reviewed By You has been posted on the Club Penguin blog. Last week we were asked what is our favorite summer activity and why? Aly71 answered:
My favorite summer activity has to be surfing with my family, why you ask? Surfing brings my family together so we can have laughs and fun instead of fighting for the front seat in the car LOL!! So we have laughs by when i fall my brother laughs his heart away and fun by just seeing that huge wave coming for you and then you start paddling and jump up and then you feel the breeze in your hair and the thrill of balance so thats my activity!!!.

This week, Polo Field asks:
As for this week, above are some of the personalities that can be seen in the new Monster's University movie recently released. Which personality from the Monsters University characters do you relate to and why?
Erm... the Talker? Or the Social Butterfly? Hmm...