Some information on the Scare Games has been posted by Polo Field on Club Penguin's What's New Blog
Last week we showed you the official trailer for the Disney/Pixar Monsters University Takeover! At Club Penguin's first ever Scare Games, you'll get to join a scare team - just like the ones in the Monsters University movie. Pick the one that suits your scare style and compete to win a scary awesome prize!
Here's the low-down on the four rival teams:

Roar Omega Roar: Are your scare abilities top notch? Are you the best of the best? Then ROR is where you want to be.
Jaws Theta Chi: JOX are natural born frighters, who love the scare of the game!
Python Nu Kappa: Do you hide your inner monster behind a scarismatic smile? PNK's got the flair to scare!
Oozma Kappa: Don't underestimate these determined underdogs - they've got plenty of heart to take it to the top!Polo Field is joining the Oozma Kappa as he's got that go-getter attitude. The other bloggers will announce which team they will be joining. Me? Not decided yet!