Six months ago, Herbert (Club Penguin) made a website relating to Operation: Blackout. The URL is It hasn't been updated since the EPF foiled his plans but, today, Club Penguin updated this page with a starry night sky.

In the bottom reads: Star Wars &
Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Parent permission required.
Copyright 2013 Disney. Features shown require paid membership.
Interesting. The starry night sky requires a paid membership... Also, Perapin found some more information relating ti this Star Wars Takeover. He found out that the starry adventure begins July 25 to August 13! Club Penguin seems to be holding parties late in the month lately... Check out this picture Perapin found,

For more evidence, Gpumpkin sent an email asking Club Penguin if the Star Wars Takeover is happening and guess what's the reply:

Credits goes to Gpumpkin, and Perapin for the picture and bringing my attention to it.