Club Penguin Membership Page Updated With A New Look!

While some of you have already got the update a long time ago, I only got this update recently. I'm wondering if there's still players out there who haven't view this, have you? Never mind, I'm just gonna do this post!

Anyways, over the past few years Club Penguin has redone this page several different times. I like the new look as it is very simple, flashy and informative. At the top of the membership page you’ll see the different options. There’s 1 month, 6, month and 12 month variations as usual. Different benefits are listed below them as shown:

Scroll down and you'll see many different boxes like “unlimited possibilities” and “new experiences weekly” etc. Click on any of them and it will give more information about the extra items you can access with that.

Below the membership benefits section, is the it lists what’s going on this month. There’s the new furniture on June 13th, the Monsters University Takeover Party on June 27th and the Star Wars Takeover on July 25th.

Below the upcoming events for members it’ll list gift certificates. If you already have a gift certificate code and want to activate it, click “activate now”. Below that is membership cards. There’s two options: “Where to Buy”, which of course tells you where you can buy membership cards; And “Activate Now”, which activates your membership card.

Finally, it lists other ways you can pay for a Club Penguin Membership and also gives you the link to go to Parent Tools.

When you purchase a membership online through Club Penguin you can enter your existing penguin’s login or create a new penguin.

Just choose your payment method and you’re good to go! There are the three usual methods, which are – credit card, PayPal and Western Union QuickPay.