Sensei is waddling,
Around the icy shores with,
New look and background.
All times are PST. For EST add 3 hours to the PST times. For the UK
add 8 hours to the PST times. The language of the server, Portuguese, Spanish,
French, or German is written beside the servers. Thanks to Tesco George and Sammychip for a few of them.
Saturday, June 1st:
11:30 AM on the server Pororoca Polar (Portuguese)
2:00 PM on the server Hechizo de Hada (Spanish)
1:05 PM on the server Deu Branco (Portuguese)
Sunday, June 2nd:
1:00 PM on the server Amuleto Ninja (Spanish)
9:00 AM on the server Neblina (Portuguese)
10:00 AM on the server Inverno (Portuguese)
11:30 AM on the server Zero Grau (Portuguese)
Monday, June 3rd:
8:15 AM on the server Gletscher (German)
4:45 AM on the server Sibéria (Portuguese)
7:00 AM on the server Boreal (Portuguese)
11:00 AM on the server Sundae (Portuguese)
1:15 PM on the server Frapê (Portuguese)
Tuesday, June 4th:
6:30 AM on the server Avalanche (Portuguese)
10:45 AM on the server Tudo Branco (Portuguese)
12:00 on the server Tundra (Portuguese)
1:45 PM on the server Freezer (Portuguese)
Wednesday, June 5th:
4:30 AM on the server Deu Branco (Portuguese)
7:15 AM on the server Cordilheira (Portuguese)
11:00 AM on the server Geladeira (Portuguese)
1:45 PM on the server Friaca (Portuguese)
Thursday, June 6th:
8:15 AM on the server Eisberg (German)
Monday, June 10th:
8:45 AM on the server Lawine (German)
Wednesday, June 12th:
8:15 AM on the server Iglu (German)