Club Penguin Daily Items: Red Sunglasses and Blue Sunglasses

In Club Penguin Reporters' Daily Items Series, we introduce you some items that were released waaaay back (not really :/) ago on Club Penguin. Today, we introduce you... the Red Sunglasses and the Blue Sunglasses.

Red Sunglasses:

Red Sunglasses

Many penguins used this to be like Rookie, as it is very similar to Rookie's Sunglasses. Penguins got this item during the Club Penguin Server Testing, Ski Village. They were also re-released on the February 2006 Penguin Style catalog, March 2008 Penguin Style catalog, July 2010 Penguin Style catalog. They were re-released again in the Costume Trunk on February 2009, August 2011 and August 2012 during the play "Team Blue vs. Team Red", costing 150 coins. They were also unlock-able in the Series 2 and 8 Treasure Book.

Blue Sunglasses:

Blue Sunglasses clothing icon ID 107 2

This is a face item (what nonsense am I talking?!) It was first released and found during the Server Testing 2005 at the Ski Hill. It was released again in the March 2008, June 2009, June 2010 and February 2011 penguin style catalog, costing 150 coins. They were unlock-able in the Series 6 Treasure Book.

The Sunglasses' above used to be rare items. But due to Club Penguin returning them often, they are no longer rare.

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