Club Penguin Promotes Healthy Kids! - Introducing...iBitz PowerKey!

Club Penguin has teamed up with GeoPalz to promote healthy living! In case you haven't heard of it, the iBitz PowerKey is a new product by GeoPalz. It was added recently to Club Penguin’s products page! This device helps promote physical activity and in return you can unlock exclusive content in game! The PowerKey comes in purple, blue, green, pink, black, orange, and red.

Polo Field has made a post on the Club Penguin Blog briefly talking about it.
Greetings Penguins!

How awesome would it be to earn exclusive items for Club Penguin, even when you're not online? We've teamed up with GeoPalz to offer players in the U.S. the chance to use points earned from daily activity towards unlocking cool items online. With the iBitz™ PowerKey, you can exercise, have fun, and get rewarded for it!

All you have to do is wear the Activity Tracker and the more you run, walk, play, and get active -- the more points you'll earn! Pretty cool right? You can learn more about the iBitz™ PowerKey from our products page!

I'm curious... what daily activity would you use your tracker for??
Unfortunately it is only available in the U.S.

NEW! Penguin of the Week - Sir Sillines

As promised, here is the brand-new super-epic Penguin of the Week! Not only does it look totally brill, but I'm giving away some seriously exciting stuff too!
Congratulations to our first POTW Sir Sillines (ace name btw!) He is one loyal EPF Agent, always preparing fellow agents for upcoming operations and briefing everyone on the latest EPF news. I've no doubt he's been a star puffle-rescuer this week! EPIC agent!
I'm really happy to give Sir Sillines the awesome Green Viking Helmet and a whopping 10,000 coins! Mega!
If you think your buddy should be Penguin of the Week, leave a comment below with their username and why you think they should be featured! :)
The rewards sure are fabulous!

Prehistoric Party 2014 Confirmed - January 2014

Polo Field has announced January’s party on Twitter! Turns out it’s going to be another Prehistoric Party!
There has been only one Prehistoric Party, which happened in January 2013.

Throwback Thursday – Puffle Party 2009

It’s Throwback Thursday! This time, Club Penguin is celebrating it by bringing back their cartoon short from the 2009 Puffle Party.

Day 9 of Operation Puffle - Save the Yellow Puffles!

Day 9 of Operation: Puffle has begun! Today's mission is to save the Yellow Puffles!

As usual, head to the Yellow Puffle's location. The Yellow Puffle is located at the River Cave.

Play Puffle Chase and retrieve the yellow chip. Try to catch all five.

You can collect the Search Flashlight and coins after retrieving at least one yellow chip.

Tomorrow we’ll be rescuing the Purple Puffle.

Club Penguin Blog: VIDEO: More news about the NEXT Big Update – CPNext


For the last year we have been working on something HUGE! We have been building a WHOLE NEW technology to take Club Penguin into the future. Right now we're calling it CPNext. CPNext will allow us to take the Penguin world to new platforms and devices – connecting our community here on to mobile devices on iOS and Android, smart TVs, and who knows what else may come?!

CPNext will look and feel just like Club Penguin today, with a few improvements along the way. We want it to feel as close as possible to the CP community you love! You've already seen the first version of the CPNext technology on "My Penguin" for iPad... mobile igloos are built on it already. We've worked hard to make sure that the CPNext igloos are fully connected with igloos on desktop, so the experience across both is totally seamless.

With CPNext, we will finally be launching the Jump to Friend feature! To make things simpler and faster, you can just jump to where your friend is right when you log in. Much simpler and easier than in current CP! We know this has been a long requested feature – and it's finally coming!

We know that there is some concern about always having full rooms. Don't worry! We've built a lot of smarts into the system to make sure you stay with your friends when you go from room to room. And we will be watching and listening and can turn the number of Penguins in a room up or down based on your feedback. This is your world and we will work with you to find the right balance!

We will be taking our "next" step with CPNext in December with the launch of the Town on iPad. We will then start launching new rooms into the app every few weeks! Over the next few months you are going to see the CP world come to life on mobile. And for those of you with iPhones, iPod Touch, or Android devices – we are working on these NOW and plan to bring the Club Penguin app to you, too!

This is only a tiny bit of what we have planned – wait 'til you see the future for Puffles and Card-Jitsu... ;)

Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

Club Penguin Black Friday Deal: Buy One, Gift One Membership Offer For a Friend

Club Penguin is having a Black Friday/Holiday special deal from now until December 11th! When you buy a one-month membership you’ll be able to gift a free month of membership to someone else!

Buy One Gift One: Purchase a 1-month membership & get a bonus month to give as a gift. Give them (virtually) everything with a gift membership!

The terms and conditions are as follows:
*Limited Time Offer from Nov. 28, 2013 0:00 GMT to Dec. 11, 2013 23:59 GMT. If you purchase a one month recurring membership you will receive a one month bonus membership gift code redeemable at to give to a friend. Accounts with an active membership cannot redeem the bonus code. The Club Penguin bonus membership gift code expires on December 31, 2013.  All memberships automatically renew unless canceled. Prices subject to change.

Club Penguin Teases Rooms Coming To My Penguin

Club Penguin has updated their homepage slides! There is now a new slide advertising the upcoming rooms feature that will be coming soon in the next version of the My Penguin app, which will soon be renamed to Club Penguin. The slide says “Coming soon: Hang Out in the Town”.

Sounds exciting! For more information of the upcoming app update here. 

Club Penguin Changes Game’s Font

You'll notice something different as you log in to Club Penguin. It seems the team has slightly modified the font in certain areas of the game! Check it out on the login page:

The font of the popups for incorrect penguin name and/or password has also been changed. Same goes for being banned.

Anyway, another area the font is changed is your player card and the name of your penguin. I'm not liking it. 

Other areas' font changed includes the postcards and penguin mail unread icon as well as other spots.


What do you think of the change? I don’t like it, it's better how it was originally.

New Puffle Medic Pin - November 28, 2013

Club Penguin has released their new pin! As a result the Herbertech Pin is no longer at the Lighthouse. Instead, the new pin, the Puffle Medic Pin, can be found at the Dance Lounge. This is Club Penguin’s twenty fourth pin of 2013.

Day 8 of Operation Puffle - Save the White Puffles!

Attention all agents! It's day 8 of Operation: Puffle and it’s time to save the White Puffles!

The White Puffle can be found at Ice Falls.

Play Puffle Chase to retrieve the white chip. Try to catch all five.

Once done, if you’re a member you will get the Arctic Camouflage Suit and Snow Goggles items.

Club Penguin #WaddleOn Episode 17 - Operation: Puffle Part 3

It's been three weeks and the Elite Penguin Force is still on the hunt for the giant Orange Puffle! The search continues in the latest episode of #WaddleOn, which is out now! Here it is:

LOL! The “he’s right next to you” scene sure is hilarious!

Month in Review - November 2013

Polo Field published a new Month In Review yesterday on the blog! Last time we were asked “what is your favorite holiday and why?”. Rockey11224′ answered:
"Christmas is my favorite holiday because the holiday season. the cold air, the Christmas lights, and the presents under the tree, the decorations, and the Club Penguin Christmas party and catalogs, the tree, the lights, the igloos, and more, it puts me in a real good mood! I am always jolly on Christmas, its my absolute favorite time of year!Waddle on Club Penguin! happy holidays!"
For this Month In Review, the team wants to know what our favorite parts of November were and what we’d like to see added to Club Penguin in the future to make it even more awesome. The highlights from this month include:
  • Clothing Catalog
  • Furniture Catalog
  • Gold Puffle Quest
  • Operation: Puffle
  • Gold Puffle - Behind the Scenes - New Horizons Video

Whoever’s review is featured on the blog will get 10,000 coins added to their account, so be sure to use your real penguin name.

Help Chattabox Stage a Play!

Chattabox will be having another meetup on Club Penguin tonight! (PST time zone) This one is taking place at the Stage. Here is her full post explaining the meetup:

G'Day Penguins,

Wow – how awesome was the Club Penguin's Got Talent Party last week?! Thank you to all those who came along, you guys sure are talented.

This week I thought it would be an amazing idea to try out some acting at The Stage. Has everyone had a sneak peek at it since the Operation Puffle party started?! It looks so cool!

Bring along your Golden Puffles and get ready to have some fancy dress fun, I can't wait to see what costumes they have this month. I will even take a photo of everyone in their fancy dress for next week's blog.

Lets meet in the Forest on the Down Under Server at 4pm (East Australian Standard Time) on Thursday 28th November, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don't forget, this is 9pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 27th November for everyone over in the US and Canada. Then we can make our way to The Stage and get ready for the best theatre performance Club Penguin has ever seen!

Sounds like fun!

Reminder: Club Penguin Updates Tonight!

Club Penguin is updating tonight. This is their forty eighth update week of 2013. This week contains some minor updates. The expected updates this week are:

  • New Pin
  • Club Penguin Times Issue 423
  • Another Puffle to rescue 
  • Probably a new EPF message
  • There is a new #WaddleOn episode later today!

If you have not done the following I recommend you to do so before Club Penguin updates:

Day 7 of Operation Puffle - Save the Orange Puffles!

Day 7 of Operation Puffle requires you to rescue the Orange Puffle! This time the item you can get is the Thermos, which is for everyone.

The Orange Puffle is located in the same room as the Brown Puffle –  the EPF Puffle Vet Station .

Play Puffle Chase to remove the brain boxes from the puffles and collect the color chip. Try to catch all five!

After that you will be able to collect your coins and items.

Be In an Episode of The Spoiler Alert Show!

Right now Polo Field is on the server Fjord from 11:00 AM PST to 11:30 AM PST filming the end credits of the first episode of #TheSpoilerAlert! If you’re interested in appearing in the video then be sure to log on and join Polo Field!

Day 6 of Operation: Puffle - Save the Pink Puffles!

It's day six and it’s time to rescue the Pink Puffles! When you log on you will receive today’s orders.

Head to the Pink Puffle’s spot, located at the Rapids.

Once you’re there, play Puffle Chase and rescue the Pink Puffle to retrieve the pink chip. As always try to catch all five! If you are a member you can even take your Gold Puffle with you for extra coins and items.

Once done, if you’re a member you can get the Rescue Ring and Search and Rescue Snowmobile items.

Tomorrow we will be saving the Orange Puffle.

Club Penguin December 2013 Penguin Style Sneak Peek

Polo Field has posted a sneak peek of the December 2013 Penguin Style cover on his Google+ account! He posted it along with a caption saying he is working on the first episode of Club Penguin’s upcoming video series “The Spoiler Alert”, which will likely be out next Monday, December 2nd. Check it out:

Working on the first episode of #TheSpoilerAlert ! We just recorded some video and audio today. We hope to have the first episode out next Monday!
Check out the cover with the starry blue sky and the caroling penguin! It seems there will be some great items for us in store next month!

Also, in the image, the number of the unread Penguin Mail postcards is changed. The font is thinner. 

This is what it looks like currently:

The NEXT My Penguin Big Update - Club Penguin on iPad

It’s been a few months since the huge My Penguin 1.2 was released but it seems development hasn't stop! In addition to working on My Penguin for iPhone and Android, the team is also working on another update for the iPad app. While no official statement nor release date has been given, Spike Hike did say they’re testing it for a few weeks and then submitting it to Apple.
Check out this tweet from Spike Hike:
Do you see any difference? In Spike Hike’s screenshot, you can see a map icon in the bottom navigation bar. Currently it’s just a joystick.

Nothing has been said until about a few days ago, Polo Field made a new post talking about the next big update for My Penguin on iPad! It’s confirmed to be coming sometime next month and is no longer going to be called My Penguin. Because overtime the team will bring the whole online world of Club Penguin to mobile, which they are renaming it to “Club Penguin”. Check out what Polo Field wrote:

Since the introduction of igloos on iPad, the team has been secretly working on something HUGE… the next BIG update for Club Penguin. What is it, you ask?

I’m excited to announce that we’re planning to bring the whole Club Penguin world to mobile devices… starting with the iPad.

As you know, that’s a lot of work! So… we’re going to bring Club Penguin to mobile in the same way that we built Club Penguin back in 2005 — one little piece at a time.

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Over the next year, we’ll be making small updates to the app previously known as “My Penguin”. The first update is coming in December, where your 3D penguin avatar will be able to visit 4 rooms on iPad for the very first time! And to celebrate the fact that we finally have the first few rooms available on iPad, we’ll be renaming the app. From now on, our iPad app will be called… Club Penguin!

What do you think these new rooms will be? Stay tuned to the blog to find out more.

Splendid! Wait a second, I smell delicious fruits and pizzas coming to the mobile app! Let's "jump over to a friend" and share the food! Find out more information at Trainman1405's post! But there's quite a lot of spoilers and information, so read in your own risk...

Day 5 of Operation: Puffle - Save the Green Puffles!

It's day 5 of Operation: Puffle and today’s mission is to rescue the Green Puffles!

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You know the rest! Go to the hole where the Green Puffles are located an play Puffle Chase.

After you're done, you will receive coins and everyone can get the Bullhorn item.

Tomorrow we will be rescuing the Pink Puffles.

Day 4 of Operation: Puffle - Save the Brown Puffles!

Day four of Operation Puffle begins now! Agents, your mission today is to rescue the Brown Puffles outside the hospital room.

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To rescue them play Puffle Chase. You have to save at least one, but try to rescue all five.

Upon retrieving the brown chip you will get your coins and if you’re a member you can get the Stethoscope and Puffle Medic Costume items.

Day 3 of Operation: Puffle - Save the Black Puffles!

Day 3 of Operation Puffle is now out! Your mission today is to rescue the Black Puffle, which is located at the base of the volcano.

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All you need to do is play Puffle Chase. Once again, you have to rescue at least one of the Black Puffles. Challenge yourself to catch all five!

After you retrieve the black chip, any penguin, not just members, can collect the rope item.

Gold Puffle Behind The Scenes Video

Club Penguin’s Gold Puffle behind the scenes video! The team has spent a lot of work and time on this video, in fact they pulled an all nighter to get it done! This is also the second installment of the New Horizons documentary series, as said by Polo Field. The first video was released over a year ago/

Club Penguin sure has a lot of employees named Chris…

Polo Field also mentioned a fun fact in his post.

Did you know that we have team names for each of the staff project teams in Club Penguin? For example, the team of staff members working on the Gold Puffle call themselves the “Island Architects”.  :)

BAFTA Kids' Vote Party - Last Day To Vote + Party With Daffodaily5!

Today is the last day you can vote for Club Penguin in the BAFTA awards so be sure to do that if you live in the UK and haven’t already done so! With that being said, Daffodaily5 is also holding a party on Club Penguin today.

Daffodaily5 is holding her party at 8 AM PST/4 PM UK time at the server Snow Flake and it’s all over the server.

Day 2 of Operation: Puffle - Save the Red Puffles!

Attention all EPF agents! It’s time to rescue the Red Puffles! Your orders for day two of Operation Puffle are now ready. When you log in the main Operation: Puffle screen will appear.

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Clicking “Go There” will take you to the room. Waddle over to the Red Puffle.

Just like day one you have to chase the Puffles, but this time red ones instead of blue ones. You only need to catch one but if you want to challenge yourself try to catch all five!

Once you retrieve the red chip you’ll get your coins and you can collect your items. If you’re a member, you can also get the Hydro-Tester 3000 and the Rescue Off-Roader items.

Check back tomorrow for day three!

Club Penguin Launching All New Merchandise Store

Club Penguin is launching an all new merchandise store, which is run through Zazzle, a company which many online retailers choose. There has been a lack of Club Penguin merchandise, things either being out of stock or no longer available. But in this new merchandise store, there’s a lot to choose from. You can check out all of the new Club Penguin merchandise here. It’s being officially launched tonight, but enjoy the early preview. Unfortunately the store is United States and Canada only.
When you first go to the store you’ll see tiles with four different categories. There’s also a navigation area on the left.
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This new store by Club Penguin has more than just t-shirts. You can find all sorts of clothing like hoodies, cases for your electronics, graphics, and so much more! It’s all Club Penguin-ified. Here’s a few of the products. 
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